Carrier Gases

Critical gas customers are adamant about having high-quality Carrier Gases for chromatography and any job requiring the application of analytics. Supplying these gases should be a core competency of any specialty gas vendor. Over the past forty years, the limited detection abilities of common technology coupled with constantly advancing analytical processes have naturally made these gases more popular than ever. The gas specifications most accepted in the 1970s may be unsatisfactory for 21st century needs. Meeting or surpassing upgraded specs makes necessary a steady investment by the gas supplier – in instrumentation and purification equipment, in tutelage to coax top performance from these tools, and in frequent review, testing, and verification of manufacturing and quality programs. To keep in front of your needs, we are expanding our ability to manufacture and certify the gases essential to your ever expanding applications.

So what are you buying? And what is it you’re measuring? And what’s the advantage of seeking out the highest-purity gas your budget allows? Let’s look closely at the PurityPlus Specifications.

PurityPlus Helium UHP, 5.0 Ultra Carrier, 5.5 Chromatographic, 6.0
Minimum Purity 99.999% 99.9995% 99.9999%
Oxygen < 2 ppm < 1 ppm < 0.5 ppm
Moisture 2 ppm < 1 ppm < 1 ppm
Hydrocarbons <0.5 ppm < 0.5 ppm < 0.2 ppm
Nitrogen < 4 ppm < 1 ppm
Carbon Monoxide < 0.1 ppm
Carbon Dioxide < 0.1 ppm

What do these specs reveal? If you’re process measuring with components in percentage ranges, 5.0 gases are usually okay. If you’re measuring impurities in the 10–1,000 ppm range, you’ll produce a flatter baseline and more accurate measurements using 5.5 gases. And if you’re engaged in contaminant detection and quantification below 10 ppm, you’ll get better results using 6.0. Nevertheless, it isn’t merely a consideration of standards. It’s about our process too. Are your cylinders pre-treated to preclude subsequent contamination from sidewall corrosion and degassing? Ours are. Are the instruments used to affirm these specifications regularly calibrated using traceable standards? Ours are. And can this calibration be documented? Ours can.

For further details about PurityPlus® Carbon Dioxide and its availability, call PurityPlus® Specialty Gases by Weldstar at 708-627-1007 or contact us online.

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PurityPlus by Weldstar
Contact Information

1100 Hamilton Ave
University Park, Illinois 60484

Phone – 708-627-1007

Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday – 7:30am to 4:30pm

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